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Bride's Dowry 嫁妆 - The Complete Modern Guide You Need [2023]

Mar 13,2023 | Changjiu Chinese Wedding Shop

Understanding Dowry in Chinese wedding culture

In Chinese culture, the bride's dowry, also known as 嫁妆 (jia zhuang), refers to the gifts given by the bride's parents to their daughter. The dowry is a symbol of the wealth and prosperity of the bride's family, and is to provide blessings and well-wishes for their daughter's marriage. This is not to be confused with dowry in other cultures (like indian's), where it is often given by the bride's family to the groom or his family as a form of payment for marrying their daughter. The bride's dowry is usually presented together with the return gifts also known as 回礼 (Hui Li), on the day of betrothal ceremony 过大礼 (Guo Da Li).

In this article, we will discuss about the items traditionally included in a bride's dowry and how the practice has gradually evolved with modernity. Keep reading to discover ways you can turn your bride's dowry into a modern one, along with a wealth of helpful tips! We have also prepared in-depth guides on Guo Da Li and Hui Li separately, so don't forget to take a look at those as well!

Essential Items for Bride's Dowry: What to prepare

Dowry package

Looking for a Dowry's package? Check out ours here.

Here's a list of essential items to include in a bride's dowry:

Bride's Dowry Meaning
Tea ceremony & dining set To be used for the tea ceremony on wedding day.
A pair of bedside prosperity lamp For bed-setting ceremony 安床 (an chuang). Lamps to be lit and left on until a day after the wedding day. To symbolise fertility and wealth.
Descendant pail set 子孙宝桶 The set usually consists of a potty, basin, baby bathtub, pail & hot water flask. This signifies prosperity and long life for generations to come, or what is coined as 子孙满堂.
Auspicious ruler 百子千孙尺 Usually included in dowry if there is no hair combing ceremony. Symbolises prosperity and the ability to measure wealth. 事业步步高升,百子千孙,幸福绵长.
Red fan 红扇子 For use when the bride leaves home for the groom's on the wedding day. To throw out the red foldable fan through the car window. Signify leaving all negativity in the past as she begins a new chapter in a smooth-sailing marriage.
Sewing kit set In the past, a married woman who possessed exceptional sewing skills was deemed capable of efficiently managing her household & hence a sewing kit is included in the dowry.
New linen covers for bridal bed Used to set up the matrimonial bed for the bed-setting ceremony. Usually in auspicious colours like red.
Two pairs of red wooden clogs or bedroom slippers Symbolises prosperity and good fortune.
Red umbrella 红伞 During 出阁, when the bride leaves home for the groom's, the bride will be sheltered by a red umbrella to ward off any negative elements while making her way to bridal car. Traditionally, the red umbrella is held by the bride's father.
Gold Jewellery -

Modernising Bride's Dowry: Adapting to contemporary society

Have you ever come across a full-sized descendant pail set? If you have visited a Chinese wedding retail store, it's likely that you have! Many couples often remark on the size of these sets, noting how much space they consume and questioning whether they are still in use today. These days, many opt for a more practical option - a miniaturised version of the descendant pail set, which is compact and pleasing to eyes.

Another not-so practical item, often included in the dowry package would be red clogs which come with heavy wooden soles and make loud clacking noise. So here's another tip: switch them out for a miniaturised version, or a pair of comfortable red bedroom slippers.

If you are in search for a Dowry package, do consider ours, which include the miniaturised versions of the descendant pail set and red clogs. Our Dowry package strikes the ideal balance between practicality and tradition, making it an excellent choice for couples seeking to honour both aspects. 

Descendant Pail Set Miniature

A review by a satisfied customer on our descendant pail set miniature, posted on Lemon8. Shoutout to @reglhy.

A quick recap of the Guo Da Li procedure

Step 1: Arrive at the Bride's home & exchange auspicious sayings

During the Guo Da Li ceremony, the groom and his family will visit the bride's home to present the betrothal gifts. Parents of both bride and groom have to be present. Traditionally, a female matchmaker (or a elder female relative) will also accompany the groom to the bride's house, and oversee the Guo Da Li process to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Step 2: Groom to present betrothal gifts to bride's family

For the betrothal gifts to present to the bride, do refer to the list of items we have compiled in a separate article here. The type of gifts will be based on the Bride's family dialect group. Don't forget to include the betrothal money 聘金 (pin jin)! The amount of pin jin should be pre-discussed between the families. It's typically ranged between $1,888 to $8,888, usually ending with the auspicious number 8. 

Step 3: Bride's family to return gifts to the groom's family

Upon receiving the gifts, the bride's family will reciprocate the generosity of the groom's family by returning a portion of the gifts received, including the pin jin. In addition, the bride's family will present 回礼 (hui li), to express their gratitude and appreciation. We have written a more detailed guide for 回礼 (hui li) in a separate article here.

Step 4: Bride to receive dowry gifts from bride's parents

Next, the bride's parents will present a set of dowry gifts, also known as 嫁妆 (jia zhuang) to the bride. The dowry is a symbol of the wealth and prosperity of the bride's family, and signifies the blessings and well-wishes for their daughter's marriage. The dowry typically includes items like tea set, jewellery and sewing kit. The dowry gifts, together with the hui li will be brought back to the groom's home.

Balancing Dowry traditions and practicality

Like Guo Da Li, the Bride's Dowry has also evolved over time to reflect modern sensibilities and practicality. It still however,  an important aspect of Chinese Wedding tradtions. Couples should strive to strike a balance between practicality and tradition, taking into consideration: personal preferences, family customs and budget. Remember, the Bride's Dowry is more than just material possessions; it represents the blessings, hopes and aspirations of the bride's family for the newlyweds. So, regardless of the items included in the dowry, what truly matters is the love, respect and commitment between the couple and their families.